Archive for the 'TV' Category


Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog

I’ve heard murmurs about “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog” on Twitter and podcast, and being the the curious person that I am, looked it up on iTunes. The reviews were pretty good and the price was only $5.99 (CDN) for 3 acts at about 15 minutes each. Sounds like good entertainment value.

The story is about Dr Horrible and his struggle to get into the “Evil League of Evil” and to win over his love interest Penny. You can watch this for free on Hulu (if it says you can’t watch it because you are not in the US just ignore it and you should be able to view it) or purchase a high quality version on iTunes. Who knew that Neil Patrick Harris could sing?

Edit: Looks like Hulu is only allowing it to be seen from the US.

Trailer below:


Maple Ridge Truck Chase

This morning on my commute to work, I hear about a crazy dude in a 10 ton truck being chased by the Maple Ridge Police. The chase goes on for 40 minutes as he terrorizes the neighbourhood. For whatever reason he keeps doubling back over the same stretch of Lougheed Highway. When he finally runs out of steam he runs out and is nailed by an unmarked police car. Rolling head-over-heals on to the hood and being launched onto the road, he crumples to the ground and still tries to make a bit of a run for it. But, he’s hit hard enough to and surrounded by police. Point for the Maple Ridge Police! FTW!

Videos below. See part 2 (5 minutes in) for the Take-down!!!  Video from original Global morning broadcast.

Part 1

Part 2

Edit: Didn’t think that so many people were going to stumble across this blog. Here is some more info on this story: Global follow up report (Video) and Global story.


Mahalo Daily

Mahalo is a human powered search engine. Unlike google that uses algorithms to figure out how relative a website is to one’s search terms, Mahalo uses real live people to aggregate and compile lists for search terms. Try it out some time, you will get some very interesting results.

My favourite part of Mahalo is their daily show Mahalo Daily with Veronica Belmont. They pretty much cover any subject that they can. Some are behind-the-scenes looks, others are interviews and many are on exhibits and lifestyles. Take a moment and watch some videos. There might be something of interest to you. First video below is about classic cars and the second is about the Computer History Museum in California. I wonder if I can check it out when I’m down there in June.

EDIT: Veronica has left Mahalo and has gone to Revision3 (home of Diggnation) as a co-host of Tekzilla.


South Park

So I get a twitter post (tweet) from Dr. Tiki of Tikibar TV saying that South Park can be viewed online. All the episodes are there from 12 seasons in its entirety. Cool. I even heard it on News 1130 on the drive home. Awesome.

So here I am at home, very excited about this. I used to watch South Park with friends religiously. Unfortunately, in the last 5 or 6 years, I haven’t watched very many episodes. Mainly because it’s hard for me to watch TV shows on a regular basis to their schedule.

So, I go to and start to look into it. I see that there is a full episode guide. Select the season and then select the episode. Chose to watch the episode or read the guide. Of course, I choose watch episode. Bang! “Sorry Canada. Full episodes coming soon.” Man, oh man, why do we always get the short end of the free TV stick.

Lets hope that it’s actually sooner and not later.


Animal Crossing Movie

As most of you know, I’m a Nintendo Fanboy. And as a fanboy, one of my favourite games is Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS. It’s also one of Lina’s favourites. Sometime last year (I think), it was made into a kids move movie (thanks Gils for the usual spell check) that came out only in Japan and I highly doubt that it’ll be out anywhere else. But, some other Animal Crossing fan has subbed it in English and put it up on Youtube.

Most people don’t know or don’t care about this game, but this is mainly for Lina to enjoy. Hope you enjoy it Lina.


Dexter Update

Looks like CTV has picked up this series to air on Sundays starting Feb. 17th, 2008.

I know that Gils didn’t enjoy the show very much, since he fell asleep in the first 15 minutes (see comments on Dexter post) of the show. But, if you are interested, they are showing the pilot episode on the date mentioned above. The 2 seasons have only 12 episodes each, so they have about half the episodes of a regular weekly series per season. Considering that, maybe CTV will be showing the 2 seasons back to back in one year. That way we’ll all be caught up for the 3rd season, when or if (due to the writers strike), it starts airing later this year.

[CTV Article]



Dexter Season 1

During the Christmas holidays, on one of our dinner nights with friends, Lina and I became addicted to Dexter the Showtime series. Addiction may not be the right word; consumed by an obsessive and compulsive craving would describe it better. After dinner with Athena, Scott and Kuntheary we were invited over to Athena & Scott’s place to hang out and chat. That’s when Athena asked us if we had seen a TV show called Dexter. She gave us a brief intro to the show and the lead character. Which, of course, inevitably leads us into watching the show (because she just happens to have the dvd box set of the first season). We watched the first two episodes and were instantly hooked.

It’s about Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police homicide department forensics who also happens to be a serial killer that kills other serial killers. It’s based on a novel by Jeff Lindsay called Darkly Dreaming Dexter. There is a major antagonist/rival as the main arc for the season, but each episode has it’s own separate story as well.

If you have a chance, check it out: Find a friend with the boxset or watch it on Movie Central MC4.

We’ve also hooked Lindz and Vu onto this show. Look what you started Athena 🙂

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